Posted by: Thomas Richard | October 6, 2021

Abortion, CV-19 Vaccines, and the Church

This post is mostly a reference to the powerful article in LifeSiteNews, which deserves to be read in its entirety, entitled (linked):

‘I will never comply with evil’:
Pro-lifer Abby Johnson on abortion-tainted vaccines

Tue Oct 5, 2021 – 10:43 am EDT
PITTSBURGH (LifeSiteNews) — One of the world’s most powerful pro-life voices on Saturday decried vaccines tied to abortion, now culminating in the Catholic clergy’s encouraging what Abby Johnson characterized as cooperation with evil.

At the Catholic Identity Conference in Pittsburgh, former Planned Parenthood facility director turned pro-life warrior Abby Johnson explained that it’s not only the abortion industry that has sunk to new lows in its callous disregard for the lives of mothers: The Catholic hierarchy has promoted evil by encouraging the use of vaccines developed with cell lines of aborted children, even becoming complicit in forced abortion-tainted vaccination.



Here is another important source to see: a list of U.S. Bishops, with indications for their current diocesan policy on allowing or disallowing priests to endorse, for the laity, affirmations of conscientious objection to abortion-tainted vaccines.

Does Your Bishop Support Religious Exemptions For COVID Inoculations?

These are difficult times for the faithful – times that call us deeply, urgently, to our Catholic Christian vocation to holiness.  We must pray – pray – pray to remain firm in Christ our Lord who remained faithful no matter the cost.


  1. Dear Thomas,

    Thanks so much for sharing this information with others for there are many who have not heard all there is to hear and so remain confused on many points.

    May the Holy Spirit renew in our hearts the Supernatural Faith of our Baptism enabling us to “see” the importance of this testimony by Abby Johnson. Let us continue to pray for our Bishops in these difficult days.

  2. Thank you so much, Thomas. My prayer is that anyone who is thinking about taking the shot will read Abby’s words and have a change of heart. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. St. Joseph, protector of Jesus while on Earth, pray for us.

  3. Dear Thomas,
    Thank you so much. Once again you have reminded us of this very critical topic. Bishop Joseph S. has spoken very well though his St. Philip Institute on this same topic.
    Patrick Roddy

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